Saturday, September 30, 2006

I AM NOT making fun of the culture here...

Much, anyway. To those few that have said I'm mocking the culture--I am. But not nearly as badly as you might think. Contrary to popular opinion, Bahrainis DO NOT HATE AMERICANS. Let me repeat that. BAHRAINIS DO NOT HATE AMERICANS. In fact, we are one of the most highly respected people here. The only American that they hate is GEORGE W. BUSH. And I hate him too, so we're equal. The middle east, and Bahrain in particular, is NOTHING LIKE WHAT THE MEDIA PORTRAYS IT TO BE IN THE STATES. There aren't people spitting on us as we drive by, or people yelling insults. In fact. I've been told by many locals that Bahrainis love Americans because generally we bring the most money to the economy. For example--we tip, locals do not. We (excluding Military) tend to hold higher prestige civilian positions, and they know that. Americans don't come out here for the fun of it--usually. I've met so many Americans that have been out here for 20 plus years and have never, ever had ONE problem. Are there shady neighborhoods here? Sure. But there are parts of Columbus that I won't go into for fear of getting shot. I have never, ever felt that way here and I've been in almost every part of the island. There are a few neighborhoods were they would like to remain more traditional (i.e. sans western influence) but I live in one of those neighborhoods. Hell, we are the first white people EVER to live in this village. And you know what? Everyone here has been nothing but extremely kind and welcoming--even though they'd rather see less of a western influence in their homeland. Sure, there are parts of their culture that I hate, just as there are parts of American culture that I can't stand. I hate how Ramadan is forced on everyone here regardless of religion, but I also hate how the religious right in America has forced their bullshit agenda under the veil of the republican party. I hate how women here are denied rights that we in the states take for granted. But I hate in the states how we denied (and continue to deny) the rights of poor people, people without health insurance, etc. EVERYONE in Bahrain has access to health care. EVERYONE is guaranteed housing, most of which is equal to or better than the neighborhood I currently live in. Sure, I might poke fun or rant about what I hate here. But I've also ranted and raved about what I ENJOY here. What you are forgetting is that I did the same thing back home. It's called an opinion. And again contrary to American media driven belief, they WILL NOT IMPRISON ME for ranting. Hell, there was a protest yesterday where over 5,000 people showed up to protest against unfair naturalization. Did they all get arrested? Hell no. The island would be in utter chaos. They are not going to even bat one little eyelash at one American's take of their culture on his blog. If anything, a Bahraini might get on here and see things a little differently. Maybe he'll realize that throwing your trash out your car window ISN'T socially or environmentally acceptable in other parts of the civilized word. And maybe that one Bahraini might tell his family, and so on. So obviously, I am very much aware of what I should and shouldn't do here. I shouldn't go out in public wearing a bedsheet. I should be allowed a little release in the privacy of my own flat with my friends and be able to do that. So before you lecture me with your ignorant views of this culture, come out here and see for yourself what it's REALLY like. Then, if you think I'm doing something stupid (and I never said that I don't occasionally do stupid shit) let me know. But please, please, please do not tell me what is wrong and right if you do not know what it is like here. There aren't people running the streets with AK 47's. There aren't bombs going off--anywhere. There ARE very friendly, loving, good natured people here. There is a culture of diversity, much more so than the states. I have noticed the only people that are sending me those types of emails are those that have NEVER left North America. I have not received ONE email from someone that's been here telling me I'm wrong for my sense of humor. That's case in point.


Blogger Unknown said...

You've done better on the rant front.

Tell them if they want to bitch, to do it in the COMMENTS section. And let the games begin.

1:56 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

For the record, you seem to really enjoy all of the people you've met there, from your pictures and posts. Which is a damn sight better than most of the people you met in Columbus.

Isn't that strange?

2:03 PM  
Blogger byroninbahrain said...

It makes sense here--you have to be slightly odd to come out here in the first place, so...

4:10 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Damn Byron. Way to speak your mind and I comend you for doing so. More poeple should. I agree with most, if not all of what you said. And hell, if anyone from the states is giving you shit, have them come here and see this place for themselves, it's great here.

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicely written Byron. It is a wordly view of Bahrain, one that lets people back home know what it's like here.
Give the people back home a postive view of the Arab world and you have effected more then the people here.

7:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy shit!! Who pissed YOU off! I love all your blogs. Giving me a lot of info about Bahrain. Hell I wouldnt say anything I was born in NJ and still live here :-( Hell with all your info I feel like I'm almost there, so keep up the good work.
Big Fan,

2:46 AM  

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