More party time pics

And, as usual in the Byroninbahrain tradition, I'm posting three more party pictures. The first is a good one of Celine and I deep in conversation. Notice what's in my hand. No, not the beer. The beer coozy. That is a bona-fide Bahrain Harley Davidson beer coozy. Ooooh yeah. I bring hillbilly to the middle east:)
The next one is of Adel, who is our landlord, Josh and I. THAT is a good picture. How often do you see a picture of a guy in a mandress drinking? Hells yeah.
And the third is Josh with his girl, Grace. She was his nurse in the hospital and now has turned into what I would guess would be considered his part-time girlfriend. Or at the very least fuck buddy. Yeah, that's right Josh. It's my blog, bitch. I'll say what I want:)
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