The Mosque, up to scary shit again
So we've been told that solid black flags are bad. And that black flags with red, bloodish Arabic writing are REALLY bad. So bad, in fact, that the Navy guys here aren't allowed into areas where there are black flags. Well, this is the Mosque next door two days ago having what appears to be a black flag festival with all those types of flags. The kids were running around with huge black flags, and everyone was dressed in black t-shirts. I had plans to go somewhere that night, but as we were leaving the crowd was getting much larger, and they were pulling out loudspeaker after loudspeaker. Josh stuck around to watch, but I got the hell out. He said they began chanting and beating their chests like conan the barbarian. Then they marched around the village chanting and beating themselves, with the kids in front waving the black flags and holding some huge black banner. I have since found out that this was in honor of one of prophet mohammed's sons that was wrongly murdered. Either way, I'm still glad I got out because it looked scary as hell...
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