Normally I wouldn't post a picture like this but there is something in this one that caught my eye. Look at the hours of the restaurant. It's open for lunch between noon and 3. Then it reopens at 6:30 to midnight for dinner. Talk about fucked up hours. The problem with this country is that this isn't an isolated incident. Most places seem to have a "siesta" period in the afternoon when they are closed. I'm still trying to figure out the hours of our local laundry place. They'll be open 7 in the morning, be closed when we come home from school (2:40ish) but open up sometime after that and be open close to midnight. They don't have hours posted, so you just kinda hope they are open. That's the problem with many, many places around here, especially the smaller shops. It's poke and hope for the hours. Bizarre.
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