Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Why does Arabic people's shit float?

Seriously. Mr. X (name omitted to protect the innocent) approached me today asking if the floater in the teacher's lounge toilet was mine. No, Mr. X, it was not. In fact, I've gone into that same bathroom on more than one occasion and have had to deal with the floater myself. It's always about the same size, always floating, and will never flush. The only thing I can think of to do is throw TP on it and flush. That works about 80% of the time. The other 20% I just do my business and look the other way in disgust. And how, you ask, do I know it's an Arabic teacher's poo? Easy. They don't use TP--they use the bidet . And they must have a different diet than us Westerners, 'cause lord knows mine head straight for the bottom. The problem that Mr. X and I have is with the ethics associated with leaving said floater just aimlessly floating around. I can see once, twice tops leaving it there--but this is like an epidemic. In fact, bathroom ethics seem to be lacking as a whole in Arabic culture. I've been in that same bathroom directly after an Arabic woman teacher and encountered piss all over the seat lid. And the kids spray water ALL OVER the students bathrooms trying to clean themselves. It's so bad that most places (our school included) have a full time bathroom attendant to clean up these disgusting messes. Anyway, Mr. X took it upon himself to make a sign saying something along the lines of "flush, and make sure IT goes down" and posted it in the bathroom today. Awesome.


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