Install bays?

Who needs 'em? Especially since we have a busy ass street where we can park to install your new Alpine stereo in your brand new car!
Hmm. I guess you can say that the people in this country are... resourceful. Thank god my doors didn't get knocked off by a passing vehicle.
Actually, as I was waiting for Rachel to pick me up while they worked on my car I happened to see something I've never seen before in this country--a visibly drunk person stumbling down the street. The Indian guys that were putting in my door speakers started laughing, and it took me a minute but I saw what they saw and started laughing as well. It was about 3 in the afternoon and there was a drunk ass Indian across the street (by the food center) being helped down the street by his friends. He was falling all over the place, yelling unintelligible (at least to me) shit, and laughing up a storm. That would be nothing out of the ordinary for Columbus, but here to be drunk in public (especially during the day) is something unheard of. But, nobody bothered them--they just kept laughing and stumbling home.
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