Friday, December 01, 2006

It rained...

HARD. I saw lightning and heard thunder today. This has been one of the rainiest years Bahrain has ever seen, from what I've been reading. Go global warming!! Normally here they get a couple days a year when it rains--but this year it's rained AT LEAST 10 different days. Fucking awesome. And it's amazing how much water can accumulate in 5 minutes on a road that has zero drainage and is at sea level. These are some shots of Josh and I driving around this morning...


Blogger Unknown said...

how's the clito going to handle when there's no drainage?

10:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Global Warming??? What the fuck dumb fuck this is the coldest its been in bahrain this early in the winter in over 20 years according to dew-dogg! my theory holds up!

8:12 PM  

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