A true watercloset

This is Kate's bathroom in her new flat. Notice on the left side of the picture in the shadow is the shower head. Just to the left of that is the sink and the shower curtain that pulls all the way across the room to the toilet. Not like that is far. This room is triangular in shape with about 7 sq feet of floor space. I am not kidding you, this is the smallest full bathroom I have EVER seen. To give you an idea of how small it is, I could hardly turn my fat ass around with the door shut. Amazing. Good luck taking showers in there, Kate. Just be glad you're about half my size, 'cause I'd be moving out next month if I had to shower in there...
I think this room was part someones 'oh shit' moment.
As in:
"Hey Yousif! I think we're done buliding this flat, what do you think?"
"You're right, Mohammed. We shall move on to the next one now."
"Oh shit..."
"Oh shit what?"
"We forgot the bathroom, Yousif."
"Fuck it, Mohammed. Put it where that closet is and call it a day."
"I love your engineering skills, Yousif."
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