Stuffed cats and more, all the the Bahrain National Museum! Come one, come all!!

Laurie, Rachel, and I went to the National Museum over vacation because we were bored and it only cost a buck to get in. It was interesting, to say the least. They had lots and lots of various mannequins, which seemed to me to be more like filler for the museum because there really weren't a whole lot of actual artifacts. Which to me seemed rather odd, considering that this island is in the cradle of humanity and has a history that goes back to the beginning of man. Anyway, back to the mannequins. They were fucking creepy, and that's an understatement. There was a hallway where you could look in little booths (see third picture) and see thobed up mannequins doing traditional things like cooking, blacksmithing, barbershoping (see last pic) etc. That would have been ok, but they had a weird lighting system where there was a dim light on only one of the mannequins and the rest of the booth was left dark. The 4th and 5th pictures are exactly the same, I just used the flash on the first one so. The second is what that booth (and all the others, for that matter) actually looked like. It reminded me of a haunted house. Fucking creepy, I tell you. And don't forget the cat and the burqa women. Holy shit, that's all I can say...
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