Sunday, December 31, 2006

Fused for your safety!

Remember those heaters that Josh bought last week or so? This morning (I should say afternoon) when we woke there was an intense burning smell in the living room. Upon investigation, we found our wall outlet that the heater was plugged into nearly on fire. The adapter is fused, so in case there is an overload or short (and in this case it was quite obvious that there was) it will kill the appliance plugged in. Well, our little 1200 watt heater was still running, happy as could be. That fuse didn't so shit. The cord to the heater was red-hot (we know because Josh's dumb ass grabbed it) but the heater was still functional. Nothing like playing with 220.

That's 2 mechanical fuck-ups in the last 3 days in our flat. First the water pipe, and now the outlets. Hmm, what's next? An RPG through the window?


Blogger Unknown said...

Glad you didn't burn yourselves up. Well, maybe not Josh (get a brain and vote Democrat, douche)...

Happy New Year, fucker.

2:32 AM  
Blogger byroninbahrain said...


3:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

vote democrat? i thought "global warming" was a world issue...not a political one...

Happy New Years to yourself!

5:38 PM  

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