Movenpick Hotel

I know I've already told you about our little adventure at the Movenpick Christmas eve, so I'm not going to repeat myself. What I haven't show you all (this is a ByronInBahrain exclusive!!) is a picture of Tim Dewey. Mr. Dewey is Josh's uncle (the guy in the middle in the first picture) and the reason quite honestly why both of us are out here. Mr. Dewey (for those of you from Bula) went to the same high school as Josh and I --Edgewood Sr. High. His father also owned a tree farm on Dibble Road across from Brant's apple orchard about 3 miles from where I grew up. Mr. Dewey is currently in his last year as high school principal at MKS. He has been in Bahrain for over 20 years, and knows the island like the back of his hand. He's a super cool guy and I owe him tremendously for giving me the opportunity to come and teach out here. That is his wife Cathy in the first picture on the right, and her sister Janie in the second picture with me. The third picture is a poor shot of the scantily-clad Filipino singers that were belting out Christmas carols in the lobby of the hotel. Oh yeah--the crowns! Those apparently are some type of British tradition where you pull on one end of a explosive-laden (small charge, of course) cardboard roll gift bag/container thingy with the person sitting next to you who pulls on the other end. When the thing explodes, you are left with some torn cardboard, a small gift, and a paper crown that you are supposed to wear during your meal. Interesting.
I see no scantilly clad. I think you're lying.
THIS is scantilly clad...
Oh, wait. That's totally unclad.
My bad.
You've met her, Byron. I'm almost positive of this.
That's Hannah.
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