Hard Rock

Krisvell treated me to the Hard Rock last week for my birthday. All was fine and dandy until the end of the meal when the whole staff came out to sing me happy birthday. If that wasn't embarrassing enough, they made me dance to the entire fucking YMCA song in front of everyone in the restaurant. Luckily it was half dead, and only about 20 people got to see me make an ass out of myself.
Thanks, Krisvell. Your time is coming...
Byron, I had to wait until tonight to get tanked for your birthday.
forgive me.
I forgive you, Adam. So long as you got tanked in a manner that I would approve of, anyway...
Hey, there's actually VIDEO of the groomsmen doing YMCA at the wedding I was at over the summer.
I haven't seen it. I've just been threatened with its existence.
And yes, the strippers bought me beers. All was right, the day after your birthday.
I love hanging out with women who buy me beers. I'm a liberated man...
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