I know, I know, I know

So I've been busy lately. I've had mono. It's laid my ass out something fierce, I've done nothing but lay around for weeks. I've been admitted to two different hospitals, and it took the second time around for them to figure out what the hell was wrong with me despite the fact that I told them mono was going around the school. Apparently some fucking kid must have sneezed on his homework and handed it to me. I thought I had been exposed to it years ago when my brother got it, but apparently not. And what's worse, 95% of all adults are already carriers of mononucleosis which means only 5% of adults can get mono. Talk about shit luck. I came all the way out to the Middle East to catch fucking mono. Oh well. Rachel took good care of me, and it appears the worst is over. I put my first full day in at work today for the first time in three weeks, and I made it so I assume I'm on the upswing.
And before that Rachel's mom came to visit from the states for a week. That was interesting.
So all and all, I've been fairly preoccupied and left my blog unattended. I'm sorry. Fuck you.
Check out this picture I snagged a couple weeks ago of a guy in a thobe 4-wheelin' on this tire cover. Nice.
polaris (canadian made) 4 wheeler
hmmm its bombardier that is from canada, which has recently changed their name to can-am. bombardier is also ski-do. Mike... try again, leave your knowledge to music. Back to the non helmet wearing trail blazer rider. A trail blazer is a 250cc peice of scrap. The picture is entertaining to look at though. Aside from the quad. I believe that is a jeep in the white outline. This guy drives a Suzuki Grand Vitara. yet again, interesting.
oh yeah. get better you homo
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