Persian Gulf 6 months, no water

I have lived in the Persian Gulf (or Arabian Gulf, as the US calls it) for 6 months and I have yet to be out on the water. I am extremely disappointed with myself, seeing as how I grew up on Lake Erie and have gone out every year since I can remember many, many times. However, I have yet to find a public place like this one we found in Kuwait in Bahrain. I've been on this island for 6 months and all I've seen are fishing dhows (old school fishing boats) and shitty Indian 8ft fiberglass boats. I was in Kuwait for a weekend and found a nice harbor like this. If only I could find that here...
And on another note--there was a T.G.I.Friday's there (another restaurant Bahrain is missing) and I scored a pic of these Ohio plates on the wall. That's a long way from Ohio for these old plates to travel. I'm impressed...
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