Something you don't see everyday

So it's been in the news the last few days that the US has been performing war games in the Persian Gulf (read: HERE!!). It's most likely in response to the British sailors that have been captured by Iran, although the US vehemently denies that. And personally, I think it's a fucking retarded idea. We don't need any more Arabs pissed off at us, IMHO. Either way, the US navy 5th's fleet is based out of Bahrain, and apparently right next door to me. I knew I lived close to the US base (you can see it from my bedroom window) but this morning I realized exactly HOW close. In the first picture you can see directly in the center of the picture what I think is the USS Dwight Eisenhower. In any case that is an US aircraft carrier which I am 100% certain is (or has) taken part of these games that are shocking the world. And the weirdest part? I took this picture from my bedroom window. Amazing. Those buildings in front of the ship are all part of the Navy base--you can see the yellow barricades where the entrance to the base is. The second picture is the exact same shot except I didn't use the zoom on my camera. Directly in front of the base is the main drag of Juffair (where I live). You can see the American influence hard core in that strip mall. Check out all the American restaurants--(from left to right) Chili's, Burger King, Costa Coffee, Hardee's, Dairy Queen, Papa John's, and McDonalds.
I have come to the realization that I need to move out of this neighborhood. If the Iranians (who are a mere 70 miles from here) are going to bomb, this would make a likely first target.
not to bust your bubble, but that isn't an aircraft carrier, its a refueling ship... Sorry dude...
bubble burst.
i got your message about being in the states... i'll be back the 28th of June. we gots some drinkin' to do...
Word man.. you should come to Va.. The weather will be nice, and the "Trim" will be on the beach.
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