Harleys, Beaches, and Hamburgers

Odd mix of photos, I know. But I didn't get many photos in Kuwait, and I have to post the good ones. OK, good ones and ones I wish were good. Case in point--the first is a blurry pic of the Harley shop with a dude in a thobe outside. I really wish this would have come out better. How many chances do you get to snag a photo of a dude in a thobe outside of a Harley shop in a mall in Kuwait? Not fucking many, I tell you.
The second is of the beach just outside of the mall where I got the Harley photo. Apparently women are NOT allowed on the beach in Kuwait (Kuwait is much more conservative than Bahrain) but yet men can walk around half naked and it's AOK. Hypocrisy, anyone?
Anyway... the third is a pic of a Johnny Rockets that we passed on our way outta the mall. If you have read my blog at all, you know that I love the Johnny Rockets here. It's all American, and I mean allfuckinamerican. The food is imported from the states, there is no Arabic on the menu, even the power is 110 NOT 220 which means they have their own generators to power the place. It's uber impressive--but somehow methinks this one in Kuwait has a slightly more Arab flavor. Maybe it's just me--or maybe it's the Arabic sign. I dunno.
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