Fuck the trashcan, Basheer. Just throw it over the side of the building!

I was rummaging around the bedroom the other day and heard some Indian voices shouting and some vague thumping coming from somewhere. Now our bedroom is 80 feet up in the air, so it was highly unlikely that I was hearing a commotion coming from somewhere on the ground outside. But being the curious person that I am, I looked out the window to see if I could find out where the commotion was coming from. And low and behold, there was a team of Indians working on the roof of the building next to us. Apparently they were cleaning the pool (which has been empty since I've lived here--in fact, it's had a couple of lawn chairs in it for months) along with the rest of the roof of the building next door. Now common sense would dictate that when you are cleaning, you put the trash in a bag and dispose of it properly. Uh uh. Not these sub-continent fuckers. They were taking the trash pulled out of the pool and the roof, looking 7o feet down, and assuming it was all clear chucking the shit over the edge. Amazing. I watched them for at least 15 minutes throw lead pipes, carpet, and lawn furniture right over the edge of this building to the street below. Fucking amazing. This country never lets me down when I need a laugh.
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