River Thames Cruise
We bought this "London Pass" which got us all kinds of free shit (thank god because London is fucking expensive) including a free river cruise on the Thames, right through downtown London. It was one of my favorite parts of the trip one because I like water and two it is a unique way to see the city. Although it seems like hundreds of other people had the same idea. The river was clogged with big sight-seeing boats, just like the streets are clogged with the huge double-decker sight-seer buses. Anyway, here we go (in reverse chronological order, I've gotten pretty good at fucking up the order of pictures.)
This is the HMS Belfast, apparently a floating Naval museum. We didn't go.
Remind you of something? Looks alot like the lift bridge back home. I'd be willing to bet this one is older.
The newer part of London. These buildings are all built on reclaimed docks.
I thought this building was cool. Apparently it was designed so that every flat in the building would have a view of the Thames.
Part of the Tower Bridge.
A close-up of the Tower Bridge. The lower center part (where the boat is) splits in the middle and raises for larger boats. The upper part is so pedestrians can cross even when bridge is up.
A farther away view of Tower Bridge. Notice the other tour boats.
The Tower of London. If you look carefully, you can see on the wall "Entry to the Traitor's Gate." That's where they used to bring in the prisoners. Long, long history on that building.
So as we were going under this bridge the guide announced that it was "the" London Bridge. As in "London Bridge is falling down" London Bridge. I don't have another picture of it other than this one because it looked like any concrete freeway bridge you'd see in the states, and I wasn't given time to take a photo. Apparently after it fell they thought they'd build a plain Jane bridge. I don't know why, because the rest of the bridges through this area are all pretty bad ass.
See what I mean about better bridges?
This is the "wibbly wobbly" pedestrian bridge installed in 2000. A weird looking pedestrian bridge that sways when you're on it. Count me out of crossing that bad boy.
Some supports for a long lost bridge??
This is the oldest thing in London. This is an ancient Egyptian obelesque (sp?) complete with hieroglyphics given to the city by Egypt as a gift god knows when.
Another cool bridge.
The open topped, double decker boat we were on.
Another shot of the boat that we cruised the river on.
Now playing: Modest Mouse - Missed The Boat
via FoxyTunes
Now playing: The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary
via FoxyTunes

Now playing: Modest Mouse - Missed The Boat
via FoxyTunes
Now playing: The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary
via FoxyTunes
Labels: London, river cruise
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