Hookers at the Sea Shell
Up ahead to the left is the Sea Shell (it's hard to see). Scott (another new teacher from Kansas) and I went there one night because it was within walking distance of the hotel he was at and holy shit was that an experience. We walked in, and the guy at the door directed us to sit at a table on the first floor restaurant/bar. We looked around, and there was NOBODY down there, and we could hear music upstairs. So we asked to go up and see what the party was about. After forking over the BD3 cover, we went up to experience "Ethiopian night @ the Sea Shell." Wow. It was a bunch of Ethiopians dancing to a mix of American rap/hip-hop and Ethiopian dance music. We were the only two white people in there. Talk about feeling like a minority--now I know why they wanted us to stay downstairs. Anyway, a few beers later, a Thai girl sits down next to me, opens her hello kitty pad and writes "Hi, my name is so and so. What's yours?" We then preceded to communicate via her pad for a few minutes until I saw her pimp and realized she was a hooker. That was enough for me so I told her "not interested" on her little pad. Scott, on the other hand, had a girl throw a balled up paper with a cell number on it at him, and like a dumbass text messaged the number. Turns out she was a hooker as well HAHAHAHA. The next day, she sent him a text saying "miss you." Then she preceded to continue calling her until the big aussie (we'll get to him later) answered the phone with "5 dollar sucky sucky?" She never called back.
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