Boys and their toys.

Boys and their toys. If you look closely in the second picture of Josh you can see the dented back door, or as I like to call it the middle eastern badge of honor. Josh hit a parked car going to school last month and put a nice little dent in is brand new Mitsu. Almost every car on this island has scraped bumpers because of A. poor driving skills and B. close-quartered driving. It was only a matter of time before he hit someone or someone hit him. I know it is inevitable that the same thing will happen with my Clit, but even still I'm going to be uber pissed when it happens. Anyway, the third picture is of the inside of my car and is for my brother Ben, cause I know he wanted a picture. Ben--look at my bad ass diamond plate floor mats :)
car looks like its ready for work. haha. 5 months till i come.
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