Some buildings, some sand, some palm trees

Rachel and I were casing out a park to take our kids on a field trip to when we took these photos last week. They're not all that interesting, but I'm going to note a couple things. The first is that this USED to be the coastline until they started land reclamation for a new "Bahrain Bay" project. And in all reality, this wasn't truly the natural coastline anyway, that originally sat about a quarter to half mile inland from where we are standing. All those tall buildings that are in the background, hell, any land at all you see in these pictures was at one time sea. A good portion of the northern part of the island is reclaimed, it's really an amazing feat. Anyway, back to the pictures. I included the 3rd picture because you can see a nautical navigational light that was once for boats now sitting high and dry. That amused me. The 4th picture is of the yet unfinished Word Trade Center with the newly-installed triple turbines. Those bad boys are huge, and are expected to provide the building with (ready for this number?) 11-15% of it's total power needs! WOW! That's huge! I'm sure the cost to design, manufacture, install, and maintain those is way less than the amount they'll save on their government subsidized electric bill (catch the sarcasm there?). And I also forgot to mention that this is unchartered territory, the only other large scale wind turbine project like this failed on a building in Singapore. Fucking ridiculous if you ask me. I've come to the conclusion that Arabs are for show only. As long as it looks cool, as long as they look like they are trying to be "green" in a country that thrives off of oil, then fuck it if it actually works. I'm convinced that's their mindset.
Labels: Arabs, Bahrain World Trade Center, land reclamation
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