Who needs hands when you have a lifejacket?

So we met some sweet Swiss guys that live in our building a while back and have hung out with us regularly since we met. They are aircraft mechanics for Gulf Air (and make more than me) and are given interim contracts in Bahrain for roughly 6 months. Well, it was finally time for two of them, Claudio and Chris, to fly back home to Sweden. We had a going away party last week on the roof and it was pretty fun. They managed to swipe some life jackets from the aircrafts (yeah, the ones under your seat in case of an emergency) and bring them up to the pool of our building where we had the party. See the next post for what they did with those. I thought it was a pretty good beer holder--see first pic.
The second picture is of Stephen, Chris (with the camera) and Claudio. The three stooges, of which only one (Stephen) is staying.
The third is a picture of some old creepy swiss dude that I can't remember the name of, Chris, Laurie (who's bitching at me for something:) and Ian.
And the fourth is of Frank and Jean with Carol (Ian's wife) in the background. If you remember correctly Frank is my friend who got axed but is staying because his wife is the middle school principal. I'll miss both of them next year when they don't come back--they are good people.
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