We're goin' on a train ride...
By far the cheapest way to get from London to Scotland was to take a train (although it still was pricey.)
This is a pic of the Scotland skyline. A bit depressing, as is most of that island (in terms of sunshine.) Once again (btw) the pictures are in reverse order.
The tail end of the Forth Road bridge, a suspension bridge in Scotland that rivals the Golden Gate (although not as colorful.) Once we got to Damien's and Angela's (Rachel's friends where we stayed) we went across this bridge everyday. It's impressive.
Another better view of the Forth Road suspension Bridge.
Some town at some train station. And this was a long train--6 hours, with only a dozen or so stops. The U.K. is much larger than I had anticipated.
Sheep. Lots and lots of fucking sheep in this country. I saw more sheep than anything else.

A railroad crossing.
At the King's Cross train station in London.
Another train station shot.
And yet another train station picture.
And one of my all time favorite pictures taken this trip. Like I said before, the English like to drink. Everywhere. At this train station you can buy beer and drink it in public. And of course I had to try it. And look at all that fucking luggage. That's 5 bags plus 2 laptops. We had to cart those motherfuckers all over London AND on the train. That was hands down the worst part of the trip.
Now playing: Stone Temple Pilots - Meatplow
via FoxyTunes

A railroad crossing.

Now playing: Stone Temple Pilots - Meatplow
via FoxyTunes
Drinking beer in public=heaven
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