Damn, I'm glad I'm not Saddamn
So I haven't posted the last few days because I was trying to get grades situated. Yep, it's that time of year--the end of the first term has come. And I'm trying to figure out how to do grades for the first time ever so it's been a bit time consuming. However, they are now done. The next problem is going to be on Thursday, when I have parent-teacher conferences. That's going to be fucking crazy. See, it's not like the states here. (Obviously.) What will happen on Thursday (no students) is the parents will show up anytime Thursday from 7:45a to 2:15p to sign for the report card from the office and then can immediately wander the building to talk to teachers. So it's not like the states where the card is sent home and the parent can question child Mohammed why he got an F in social studies BEFORE they get to me. No, here they question ME first. Yippee Fucking Skippy. Nothing like a fun filled day of pissed off Arab parents because their spoiled shitless Yousif can't tell me what the cardinal directions are. And I think spoiled shitless is an understatement. These kids have drivers. I'm not shitting you. And, most have nannies who oftentimes do the homework FOR the kids. And if the nanny doesn't do it, most likely the parents will. This is a fucked up society. So needless to say, these are well to do Arab children who have parents that want them to get straight A's even if they are dumb as a box of fucking rocks. Can you tell I'm looking forward to Thursday? Oh yeah, did I mention I have over 130 kids total? Fuck. After 2:30 I'm going to do what the principal recommended--get like Frank is in the picture above. It's going to be a day from hell, and believe you me I'm going to need the release.
Sorry about the negative post, it's been a shitty day.
You've adopted a stray? Is he housebroken?
Who? Frank? Naw, he's my fellow 4th grade teaching/drinking buddy from San Fran...
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