Al Areen--the goat capital of the world

Rachel and I went to Al-Areen Wildlife park over vacation, and for 1 dinar it wasn't half bad. Al-Areen is out in the middle of the desert, and for as long as I've known Rachel every time we've driven by it and I've mentioned going there she would say that it's nothing but goats. She was only partially right--I'll get to that later. When we parked the car, we were welcomed by the Al-Areen sign where I noticed something I had not seen here as of yet--a bird's nest. It was in the "W" of "Wildlife." I mentioned something to Rachel about how nice that was to see a bird's nest--until I noticed the Arabic sign next to it. If you look closely, you can see that the Arabic has a nest in the exact same spot (Arabic reads right to left, as opposed to left to right English.) I HIGHLY doubt that that was a coincidence, which means those nests are props. Boo.
Anyway, after we paid our entrance fee and walked outside it was like an entering a different world. There was color everywhere--see the second pic of the kid roller blading. They definitely did an excellent job landscaping this place, there were flowers, trees, and water fountains everywhere. Very nice. I particularly like the sign in the third photo, and the approaching storm in the horizon of the fourth photo.
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