My news, views, and reviews of this small island they call Bahrain
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Do Not Enter In The Barrier
This is the last set of photos from Al-Areen, I promise. During the course of our guided "goat-tour" we stopped at a bird "sanctuary." I was most amused at not the birds themselves (most of which you can see back home--but to Arabs they are a novelty) but rather how the birds had adapted to the environment that they were in. For instance, as soon as we all exited the bus a swarm of some weird looking fuckers (birds) gathered around the bus, looking rather suspicious. At first I couldn't figure out what they were doing--until I saw one lapping (can birds lap?) up the condensation dripping from the AC units on the bus. And then there is the picture of the swan attacking that dumbfuck's foot. When Rachel and I walked past that swan, it was lounging quietly and non-violently a mere 6 inches from us. When I turned around, some Arab fucker with his kids was kicking it (setting a great example, too.) Obviously the thing is going to try to bite him. I would too! And, of course, a broken English sign.
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