We suck at treasure hunting...

The other weekend to fight boredom a group of us participated in the Chili's treasure hunt 2007. It cost 20 dinars a car (50 bucks) to enter, and we thought it would be something fun to do on an off day. So Frank, Jean, Rachel, and I hopped in my car and Doug, Celine, Ian, and Carol jumped into Celine's rental and off we went. The goal was to be the first car out of about 100 to find all 10 "secret" locations around the island. The first clue was given verbally to everyone, and from there you got each clue once you found the location in the hint given. At each location was a group of guys that logged your sheet and gave you the next clue. On the line was 1000 bucks for first, 500 for second, and 250 for third. So we decided to use our collective 8 heads to try and figure out the clues. Each clue was timed: for example, clue number 2 you had until 9:10 to reach, after that you were fucked. Despite getting most of the clues quickly we got hung up on a couple and it cost us--severely. We got 8 out of 10 in the end, despite some Formula 1 racing by yours truly at the end to try and reach the next station before time ran out. Oh well. We had fun, and that's all that matters. That and they gave us food. See pic of the junk food on the back seat courtesy of Chili's.
I have no idea what I'm doing in the last picture, but it shows the little placard they gave to identify your car and pearl roundabout behind that. This was taken after we got the very first clue--and also where we wasted some serious time. We were convinced the hint was the roundabout, and I drove around that goddamn thing 20 times before someone thought that it might be the museum, which was ultimately the location.
So in the end, we didn't win. Didn't even come close. Some local fuckers won with a ridiculously low time which leads me to believe they had some inside help. No matter. We got a free buffet in the end and blew off half a Friday. Fun shit.
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