Cable car in Benalmedina
On our drive to another city in Spain we saw this cable car that went up the side of a big mountain on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. So on one of our off days I thought it would make a good day trip, and I was right. It really was bad ass. It cost 12 and a half euros (about 20 bucks) but was worth it. It took about a half hour or so to get to the top of the mountain, and at the top were all kinds of footpaths, a bird sanctuary, and a donkey path down the hill. Bad ass. Sorry if there are lots of pictures, I'm only posting about a 1/4 of what I actually took.
Looking up the mountain...

Me, excited as hell to go on this thing. Rachel, on the other hand, wasn't so sure. She was better once we were actually in it.
There were hardcore mountain bikers taking bikes up to the peak to ride back down. That takes some balls.

That's the highway we used--the M15.

The lodge at the top.

One of the many, many birds. This was the only one with a hood though...
An owl...
And a bald eagle....

The line to get back down.
There were footpaths everywhere to explore the peak of the mountain. We unfortunately got to the top near closing time and didn't have time to walk around. Plus it was cold as hell.

Comin back down

Lots of homes had solar panels. I noticed as a whole the country was very alternative energy. Cool.

I've got lots more, but I'll spare you...

I've got lots more, but I'll spare you...
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