Random photos in Sotogrande
Before I post my next post of Lisbon, I have some random photos taken at Sotogrande (Carol & Ian's place in Spain).
We played poker a few times, just like home. Except we were playing for Euros.
Poker again. That game went on and on before we finally gave up.
For 3000 Euros a month (4500 dollars) you too could have your own place that had its very own boat dock on the Mediterranean Sea. Talk about nice. This is looking out the deck which was separated from the living room by a sliding glass wall.
Laurie decided we needed a Christmas tree--and here it is. It's a couple branches pulled off a tree nearby. Laurie and Whiz bet each other 20 euros that it would wilt before Christmas, hence the money in the "tree." Nothing like a trailer park tree in a Bentley house. BTW, Laurie won the bet.
There were two really nice things about staying here while we were in Spain. One, it was free. Two, Laurie and Whiz made lots of homemade meals which saved us a buttload of money.
A look up at the dining room table and part of the living room. Behind me is the porch and boat launch.
Rachel outside:)
Turned around from where Rachel is sitting. This boat actually belongs to the neighbors.
Looking out from the porch.
So besides this place being super-nice, it had super-nice things inside. Like a Bose stereo system. This is me chilling listening to music really loud over really expensive speakers. Ah, paradise.
Christmas time. Laurie bought us each a couple of presents. How nice.
This was Christmas dinner. It was a mixture of good 'ol American classics and weird British food. You'll see what I mean in a minute.
A random photo thrown in of Gibraltar.
Taken at a Pizza Hut in Gibraltar. And you thought Canada had lax alcohol laws.
Another Christmas dinner pic.
The weird British food I was talking about, although I didn't mind this one. It basically was a hotdog wrapped in bacon. Pork in pork. I'll take it.
Proof that Whiz cooks.
Below the apartment, they had a massive parking garage, much like a mall or something. This was a door for the elevator to go up to the apartment. I thought it was funny that they called it a "portal."
Another picture of the parking garage.

Me talking to all of you guys on Christmas via Skype. This is where I discovered the wonders of Skype. I knew all about it, but never bothered downloading or trying it. What a mistake that was. Skype fucking rocks.

Me talking to all of you guys on Christmas via Skype. This is where I discovered the wonders of Skype. I knew all about it, but never bothered downloading or trying it. What a mistake that was. Skype fucking rocks.
Labels: random photos, Sotogrande, Spain
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