Color in the desert and a big tower

So after we took pictures of the boats, we stumbled across this road that had lots and lots of color. It was nice to see, considering much of Bahrain is colorless. Although it HAS rained like a bitch this winter, it is still rare to see such a well kept (and well watered) area like this. No surprise that this road was right next to the Ritz-Carlton.
The other picture is of the Almoyyad Tower which is now being used as a gigantic advertisement for the F1. Those guys on the scaffolding applying the decals put into perspective how tall this building actually is. Anyway, I really want to go to the race and it's cheap at 60 bucks--all things considered. There are only 17 races in the world and only ONE in the states. The only problem is that it's on a Sunday and I have to teach. I wonder if I can pull some strings...
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