
350 After we left the fort I went down some random road and ended up in this scary ass Iraqi war-torn looking village. It's rare to see graffiti in this country and when you do, it's usually political and quickly covered up by the authorities--but this village was full of it. It was also full of shitty looking houses and old, run down shops. The amazing thing is that this village is a mere 5 minute walk from all the malls, high rise apartments, and pricey hotels. It's something else to see how quickly the landscape can change in this country. You can be next to all this money, but on the other side of a row of palm trees is a village full of people that could never afford to step foot in the malls that they call their neighbors.
I personally found amusing the new Toyota Echo parked outside of that shitty house. It reminded me of home when people will spend $30,000 on a new truck but they live in a 5,000 dollar trailer. I guess that type of shit isn't limited to rednecks in Ohio...
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