This post took me a week to do...

So fucking enjoy it. The amount of time it took me to do this post is blamed solely on our slow ass internet connection, which only seems to be able to upload pictures to my blog account either late at night or early in the morning, neither of which are times that I'm usually up. Anyway, it had occurred to me that most of you (including my brothers) had missed the fact that I no longer live with Josh. I moved in with Rachel (to her place) about 3-4 months ago, and I thought I mentioned it before but apparently not. I now live in Juffair, which is the part of town that most of the white people live in (and where the U.S. Navy base is.) There are hundreds of high-rises, with more going up everyday. I happen to live in one of those high-rises now. Our building is 7 floors, and we live on the top floor. The apartment is two bedrooms (Doug lives in the other) with 2 1/2 baths. It's a fairly large place, fully furnished (right down to the pots and pans) and it's much nicer then where I used to live. The building is chock-full of amenities, including a washer and dryer, a gym, and a roof-top pool that I've been working on my wicked tan.
The first photo is our entrance--notice how all the cars park under the building. That's very common for this country, and it's for practical reasons. It keeps the cars cooler, and saves you from parking on the street.
The second photo is a close up of our building (on the left) and the sign--Dawani Apartment II.
The third is a pic of the building from down the street. Ours is the one behind the small building with the red roof (actually a Re-Max office.) Our balcony is on the top floor on the side of the building facing the street (with the shadow from the other building across the street.)
The fourth pic is of the bank of light switches, dimmers, and thermostat (notice it's in centigrade.) All of the switches here look like that.
The fifth picture is looking out of our building at night from the balcony in the living room. That's a Fuddruckers express that you can see.
The sixth is of our balcony and of some of Doug's plants.
The seventh is of me in the living room attempting to post and cursing at the internet connection.
The eighth is of our bathroom in our bedroom. Check out the bidet. I have yet to try that bad boy.
The ninth is of our wardrobe in the bedroom. They don't build closets in the buildings here, you have to buy your own (provided by the building in our case.) I don't understand that.
The tenth is of Rachel and my messy-ass king size bed.
The eleventh is of our bedroom looking in from the doorway. The wardrobe is on the left.
The twelfth is of the main hallway looking from the doorway of the kitchen, with the front door straight ahead and the living room off to the left.
The thirteenth is the kitchen. To the left of the dishwasher is the washer and dryer.
The fourteenth is looking in the apartment from the main door towards the kitchen.
The fifteenth is of the dining room, which is actually part of the living room, which is in the last photo. That's all just one large room.
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