When that veil is really crampin' your eatin'

You can head behind one of these curtained booths, just for that very purpose! This picture was taken at Johnny Carino's, an American Italian joint. Many of the restaurants have these booths that the veiled women can go into to take it off and eat without other wicked, non-family member men seeing them. This lady didn't have the curtain closed, but the booth next to her which was across the isle from us did. I didn't think that this lady was a ninja, but when they got up to leave she put on her veil. Interesting. I don't know why she didn't close the curtain. Maybe she's only a half-ninja. Also, something I didn't catch until I posted this picture is that there is a window into the next booth--so maybe the general population can't see you eat with the curtain closed, but your neighbor in the next booth most certainly can. I just shake my head sometimes...
Labels: ninjas, restaurants
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