New York Times Drunk In Bahrain

Rachel and I went to F1 to go see our rock band that we always see the other week, and all was normal until a white guy with a huge camera and another white guy with a clipboard walked in. Now it's not uncommon to see guys with cameras at events around the country (especially around the Formula 1 weekend--which happened to be this particular weekend) but 99.9% of the time they are Indian. So I was immediately taken aback when I saw these two crackers walk in, and even more taken aback when the band announced about 20 minutes later that we had guests there from the New York Times. I put two and two together, and after I downed another beer or two I mustered the courage to go talk to these two. Turns out the guy in the photos name is Austin Considine, and he's a freelance writer for the New York Times. He's originally from Indiana, and roughly my age. The other dude (the photographer) was from Canada and not nearly as friendly. So during my bullshit session with this guy (who said he was glad to hear an American voice) I gathered he was here to cover the F1 race. He said his article would be published in the times by the end of May (ADAM, CHECK EVERYDAY FOR THIS AT SPEEDWAY IF THEY SELL THE TIMES) in the travel section. He said very little will be about Bahrain outside of the race, but he was taking notes about the band and the crowd so who knows what he will write. Badass. So anyway, I eventually went back to my table and about an hour and a half later (after I watched those two down a considerable amount of booze) he wandered over to my table and drunkenly asked me if I "was a fan of the diiirrty south" as Ludacris was being spun by the DJ in between band sets. Gotta love drunk journalists:) Anyway, I googled his ass when I got home and lo and behold he was telling the truth. I found many past articles by this guy. How cool is that to run across a New York Times writer in a bar in Bahrain? Sweet.
Labels: bar, F1, New York Times
They just started selling the Times.
I'll look when I get a chance. Better yet, I'll tell THEM to look.
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