Oh no. Hell no. Not here. Check this out--I went to one of the malls last weekend, and they were having a world press photo exhibit. There were all these posters just like the one above scattered across the mall with award-winning photos from news photographers all over the world like the New York Times, Time Magazine, etc. All was well and good until I ran across this set of photographs. They didn't look out of the ordinary until this (below) caught my eye...

Someone had taken paper and blocked out this woman's bikini-clad ass. And when someone pulled that off, someone else apparently used a marker to attempt to black it out. Amazing. And what amazed me even more was that many of these photos were extremely gory, to the point of making one ill--but no one blocked those out with a black magic marker. Let me show you a few...

Here's a nice collage of death and smoke...

And better yet how about a dead baby in a casket?

And if that wasn't enough how about a guy whose arm has been blown off?
It's amazing. Arabs don't give two shits about bad language or about blood and gore. What they do care about is sex, and any hint of it. The photo of that woman was anything but sexual, but yet these narrow minded fucks saw just that--sex.
Labels: Arabs, mall, photo exhibit
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