Made a trip out to the beach (part of the less than 10% of the coastline that isn't owned by the royal family--and thus open to the public) for shits and giggles the other day. The picture above is of some of these "love shacks" that they have positioned along the beach. I assume they are for families so they can "disrobe" i.e. take off the abaya. However, when you get up close to these things they are dilapidated pieces of shit with gaps like 8 inches wide between boards which seems absolutely pointless. Oh well.

And this is the mosque across the road from the beach. Apparently Islamic code mandates that there must be a mosque within walking distance of any Muslim, and this one must serve the beach. What was funny was that this particular day (and every day, now) it was well over 120 outside with NO ONE around. Hell, look around the mosque. Do you see any buildings? Hell, ANY sign of civilization? Made me chuckle, that's all. I guess this would be like building a big church in the middle of the woods out in the middle of a boyscout camp that is only active one month out of the year.

Another good shot of the mosque with jack shit around.

And the sign at the beach (with one of the love shacks in the background.) I would like to note that this is about as far away as you can get from the city on the island (with the exception of one other place) and on a heavy traffic day only takes about 15 minutes to get here.
Labels: beaches, mosques, signs
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