These are a couple shots of JJ's, an Irish bar that we frequent after work on Thursday (our Friday). It's a cool joint in that it's authentic--all brought in from Ireland and reassembled. Kinda like that place on 5th Ave in Columbus. But this is more authentic, because it's filled with drunk British and Irish guys, not full of preppy fucks like back home. However, prior to a security guard getting shot by a mysterious person (some say Saudi, some say royal family, some say American Navy because guns are not available here) this place used to be full of drunk navy assholes. But since the shooting (which actually happened next door at a different bar) it's been off-limits to them and has been extremely nice for me. As we all know I can't stand navy guys so the place is full now of mostly British and eastern Europeans, which is fine with me. The main reason we go here is not for the beer (I know what you're saying 'yeah, right') but for the ham and cheese baguette. This is one of the only places on the island that you can get pork products off of a menu, and it's damn good. Damn good.
I was lucky to get these shots (which don't do the place justice) because for whatever reason you're not allowed to take pictures in most bars on the island. I'm not sure why that is. I have a feeling it's because there are Muslims drinking (which is a huge no-no) in some of them and they don't want any photographic evidence. But JJ's won't allow anybody in the bar who's wearing any type of Muslim get-up (man-dresses, etc), and quite honestly I rarely see Arabs in there. Back home, I hate discrimination. Here--well, sometimes it's not so bad being a non-Arab:)
Labels: bar, JJ's, pork
Hey you fat prick.... its not all navy guys you can't stand.. .this shit makes me want to come to bahrain. and slap around the navy fucks that give us a bad name... oh wait, come september I probably won't be in that category anyway... fuck bush!
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