Saturday, September 30, 2006
You know, you can leave comments
I AM NOT making fun of the culture here...
Hood rich? Spend it

So what's the first thing we do with the money? Go to Gold City, that's what we do. I've never been there, and it was bad ass. If you are looking at gold, silver, etc they weigh whatever you are looking at and then convert it to a price using the day's price of gold. Very interesting. We encountered this dude in the pic at a shop he called "the happy store." He caught our attention and we all bought various things from here. The hospitality of these people here in this country is amazing, by the way. While we were looking through his small but insanely cool store, he brought us Arabic coffee and later water and pop free of charge. Rock on, happy man.

So both Scott and Josh have hidden secrets that both came out the other night. The first, and most important, is that Scott actually went and PURCHASED Madonna's Immaculate Collection CD AND BROUGHT IT HERE. I can possibly see owning it--maybe if you're gay--but owning it AND bringing it to Bahrain AND having the balls to put it on in front of your buddies????? Either he's way metro or has HUGE balls. I would say he's gay, but he's proven that he's not a few times to us. And, what's almost equally disturbing is Josh dancing to said Madonna. Goddamn, I moved to Bahrain with a bunch of fags!! (No offense to the gay community:)
Women can never be equal to men

And that's the star letter to the GDN. My favorite section hands down of the GDN is the letters to the editor part. This one was a few days ago, a letter in response to someone saying that women here need to have more rights, etc etc. This guy proceeds to say that "we don't need your type of cheap freedom" and "women have never been and will never be equal to men." I assure you that the next two weeks of this section of this paper will be devoted to people debating this letter. The previous two weeks were devoted to western v Bahraini driving styles. I love this country.

Again, same paper, same day. One of the reasons I love the GDN is for the sensationalism of it, Arabic style. This article was about an Indian woman who was told to intentionally fall down stairs or jump off of a building to kill her unborn fetus. And the person telling her that? Her sponsor, the person who brings said person here from another country to work for him/her. This country is fucked up when it comes to the lower classes, that's for sure. It's like a modernized version of slavery. And, this type of article is far from uncommon in this paper. I've seen variations of this story dozens of times. My favorite so far was one where the sponsor had his maid arrested because he found birth control in her room. BIRTH CONTROL.
There are a few postive aspects of Ramadan

And deals are one of them. This pic was taken from the Gulf Daily News (GDN), one of the few English daily papers here. Gulf Air--for Ramadan--cut ticket prices from Bahrain to Abu Dhabi, Dubai, etc to 9 BD ($23.85.) And that's just one of MANY deals that places offer in reward for you starving your ass off during the day for an entire month.
Filled with raging...hunger

So we finally ended up gathering our last 10BD or so (payday was still a few off) and going to the grocery store. LUCKILY it was open. Considering we had to stretch our bills, we bought cheaply and in quantity. Eggs seemed to fit that bill, and here is Scott cooking about 10 of them around 4 PM. Mind you, this was the first time all day that both he and I had even SMELLED food, let alone have consumed any. Hence the crazy look in his eyes...
Friday, September 29, 2006
Ramadan Fucking Blows

So if you've read ANY of my previous posts, you know this month is Ramadan. Well, this picture is of Scott on our very first day of Ramadan. This is roughly 1 pm, and he's frantically searching the phonebook to find ANY restaurant that is open. We found NONE. We had no food in the house, we all were EXTREMELY hungry, and no fucking restaurants were open. We have since found out that there are 2, maybe 3, restaurants that will deliver during the day (Domino's pizza being one.)
Adel, smokin'

So there is something to be said for having your thobe (=mandress) wearin' landlord come up to your party and smoke sheesha. In fact, he brought us a bottle of gin that he got in U.A.E. as a welcoming gift. Gotta love this guy. He even has an empty apartment on the first floor of our building that he uses as his "party flat." Notice Krisvell behind him. She digs mandresses.
You can be killed for shit like this here...

Holy shit. I can't believe I did this. And what's worse, we were expecting Adel, our Muslim landlord, to show up any moment as we were taking this pic. And sure as shit, just as the flash went off the doorbell rang. I don't think I've ever run that fast in my life anywhere as I did back to my room to throw that bedsheet off of me.
We had to kick the girls out...

Shamsu won't dance around females for religious reasons, and I wanted a pic of him dancing really bad. I kicked all the girls out to the deck, and Shamsu made me close the curtains to get him to pose for this pic. But man, was it worth it. Nothin' like being in the middle east getting your Indain watchman to kick females out and dance during Ramadan for the camera.
Gotta love the Indian watchman

This is Shamsu, our Indian watchman. He came up to see our party, but wouldn't partake in the boozing because he is one of few Indian Muslims observing Ramadan. This guy has our back. He not only washes the car for 10 BD a month, opens the door for us, cleans our deck, takes out our trash, but is also our local community liaison. A good guy to have watching your back, that's for sure.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Scott shows all

So I have found that the underline issue only happens AFTER I upload the photo. Either way, the U button for underline is non-existent. ANYWAY, here is Scott in some very, very short running shorts. He had the balls to go run around our neighborhood in these. He's lucky he didn't get hit with an RPG. Holy shit, man! These are questionable in the states, let alone here!
I apologize
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Added the flags
Lookie what was in the news today..
COLUMBUS, Ohio - A car dealership's planned radio advertisement that declared "a jihad on the automotive market" has drawn sharp criticism for its content but will not be changed, the business said Saturday.
Several stations rejected the Dennis Mitsubishi spot, which says sales representatives wearing "burqas" — head-to-toe traditional dress for Islamic women — will sell vehicles that can "comfortably seat 12 jihadists in the back."
"Our prices are lower than the evildoers' every day. Just ask the pope!" the ad says. "Friday is fatwa Friday, with free rubber swords for the kiddies." A fatwa is a religious edict.
Dealership president Keith Dennis said the ad does not disrespect any religion or culture. He said it was "fair game" to poke "a little fun at radical extremists."
"It was our intention to craft something around some of the buzzwords of the day and give everyone a good chuckle and be a little bit of a tension reliever," he said.
The Columbus chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations decried the ad as disrespectful.
"Using that as a promotional pitch when so many are dying from the criminal activity of suicide bombers, that's not funny," chapter president Asma Mobin-Uddin said. "I don't think it's appropriate when it causes real pain. It exploits or promotes misunderstanding in terms already misunderstood or misused."
The ad, written and produced by the company, will begin airing next week, although he was uncertain of which radio stations had accepted the spot, Dennis said.