Fuck it Ahmed, it was a piece of shit anyway. FEATURE!!!

There is a huge phenomenon here in Bahrain that I really don't understand. Apparently when these people get into accidents, they leave their cars wherever they may lie and let the forces that be take care of them. I've driven by cars that have been completely totaled next to the road everyday for weeks. So I've decided to start a new feature here at byroninbahrain.com, called "Did they die?" Wait... that sounds too insensitive. How about "Piece of shit of the week!" or "The insurance wouldn't take care of it so fuck that car" or "I was drunk when I hit him so I took off on foot!" I dunno, I'll think of something. Anyway, up this week are two cars I've been driving by for the last week. The first is a Camaro that has been moved from the point of impact (I think) but is still next to the road, presumably next to the owner's house. They have done something you don't normally see with wrecked cars in this country--they have attempted to preserve the interior from UV rays with a bedsheet. Here's a hint guys, for that to work effectively you have to cover the ENTIRE windshield. Well unless the driver's side is covered with the shade of the airbag and blood--in which case they should be golden.
Up next is a car that has sat near a very busy intersection in Juffair (where I live) for over a week. This seems to have been a simple accident, but for whatever reason the owner has yet to claim their Chrysler. Maybe the alignment was out...
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