Have a good look at this tabletop jukebox at Johnny Rockets. Then have a closer look at where you deposit the money. 100 fils. Nice. I guess that's about equal to 25 cents, so it makes sense. And since I'm posting these pictures, I'm going to go on a little Johnny Rockets rant. IT IS THE BEST AMERICAN RESTAURANT ON THE ISLAND. It is spot on to home. And I mean spot on. The entire restaurant has been imported from the states, right down to the thermostat which reads in Fahrenheit. The salt shakers, the ash trays, the sugar packets all read MADE IN THE US. Fucking awesome. Even the food is imported from the states, so the burgers taste like burgers back home which is a rarity on this island. Now this is a chain restaurant, I know because we have one in Columbus. And whoever owns this company DOES NOT let them deviate from what they do in the states. All the other American chains like Burger King, Papa Johns, Applebees, Chilis, McDonalds, Subway, etc all taste and feel slightly different from home. They use local ingredients which in my opinion changes the way the food tastes. Sure, it's Heintz ketchup but it has Arabic on the bottle, was made in Egypt, and tastes a bit vinegary. The ketchup at Rockets is Heintz as well, but there is no Arabic on the bottle and it was packaged in Pennsylvania. Awesome. There are only a few minute differences at Rockets and those are pretty much unavoidable. Firstly, the bacon is beef. There isn't any way around that. The waiter said the ministry wouldn't allow them to open if they served pork. The second was the jukebox, but it makes sense to change it to local currency. And the third were the waiters--they are all Filipino, but that is near unavoidable in this country as well.