So I'm going to try a new way of posting . Get this--instead of me telling you about the photos way AFTER I post it, I'll tell you directly underneath the picture!! What a novel concept! So here we go. The other week some asshole from the Khalifa ruling family was supposedly going to visit the school on some sort of "ruling family connect with the common people" pledge. Lovely. Anyway, the guy that was going to show up was a dude named Shaikh Nasser, who is the son of the King or something to that effect. A far cousin, a bastard son, a son from a tenth wife, I don't know who the hell he was (or really give a shit). Can you tell I'm pissed about this? Arabs are all about show, and show we did. The higher ups in the school spent a week hanging fresh new Bahrain flags everywhere, repainting walls, basically candy-coating the school for this dude. Really they were just shy of actually sucking his dick. Our part in this whole get up was to have the 4th and 5th grade kids line up in a tunnel for him to walk through, reminiscent of the one I used to do in band in high school for the football team at the Friday night game. And if this whole ass kissing wasn't enough, the high school was having it's "global village" at the time. This "global village" really was just a bunch of booths set up that the high schoolers had food and various cultural doo dads from various countries. Basically it added chaos to a clusterfuck.

This is that dude who's dick the school was sucking. I really like the fact that he's got a satchel made of bullets in a country where guns are illegal. Amusing. That corridor directly ahead is where we were to line up the kids.

The police presence was amazing, the day before this little shebang they came through and inspected the area for sniper points. Nice.

Rachel with some of her girls in the "tunnel."

Laurie with some of her hellions again in the "tunnel."

A good shot of the tunnel. The stairs I'm standing on to take this photo was in the flightpath for this Shaikh dude on the way to the auditorium. The kids in this photo were lucky because they were in the shade, a good majority of them were actually outside in the 90 degree plus heat. And if that wasn't bad enough, they brought us over here to stand over an hour before the scheduled visit time. And if experience has taught me anything over here it's that Arabs ARE NOT punctual people. True to form, this cocksucker was over 25 minutes late. By the time he actually walked through this tunnel, we had 3 girls pass out. And I'm talking THUMP on the concrete pass out--like a sack of potatoes. I was freaking out. I don't know what the hell to do with a passed out 9 year old! One of them Rachel picked up and rushed over to the administrators office to get her water and help--and get this---THEY WOULDN'T LET HER IN EVEN WITH A PASSED OUT CHILD IN HER ARMS!!! Fuckers!! Arabs are all fuckers. Every last one of them. They are so concerned with their goddamn image that they denied an unconscious child access to water and help (because that's were they were preparing the food and whatnot for this cocksucker). Luckily the doctor saw Rachel and was able to help her, but that is still one of the most fucked up things I've seen out here. Now you would assume that the first kid that passed out would have been an indicator to wrap things up and get these kids back into the AC and some water--but no, we stood outside the whole time. Kids were in tears because their friends were passing out left and right. Amazing.

Ok. Calm down Byron. This is our friend Kate in her China get-up. She was helping some of her students with the China booth in the global village and decided to look the part. Little fan and all.

A shot of the global village sign before I assembled the poor souls (kids) in the tunnel.

I'm not. Fuck you, Shaikh Nasser. I don't give a shit
who you are, especially if you think you're shit doesn't stink because you were lucky enough to be born into a rich ruling family that made themselves that way by force. (And thank God this blog is private:)

The stage that someone (I don't know who) was planning on dancing on.

This is Naiim, a 5th grade language teacher from South Africa. He's a good guy and is loaded with cool stories--athough I find his accent extremely heavy and hard to understand sometimes, his stories (what I can understand of them) are bad ass.

Here are the administrators and owners of the school getting their panties in a bunch because this dude is finally here (25 minutes late, did I mention that?)

And here he his. Whoopdie fucking doo.

This is Shaikh Nasser and his posse going up the stairs. I took this picture namely because you can see all the different types of thobes (all of which are ceremonial except for the standard white one.)

There's that stage in action, after the Shaikh passed. Something interesting that I didn't catch until I was loading this photo was the banner that said "Welcome to Bahrain" at the top of the stage. Isn't this fucker FROM Bahrain? Last I checked, he was part of the ruling family of Bahrain--why the hell would you welcome him to a country that his family rules? Arabs, besides being full of themselves, are sometimes not the brightest people around either.

This guy emerged from the admin office where Rachel tried to take the passed out little girl. This Indian was hauling ass through the crowd, I'm glad this picture came out. You can see how pretentious this whole fucking thing was.

This is on the way back, you can see the security associated with this dickwad. I like how one is talking to Khalid towards the back of the line.

And the final picture was taken after I finally got my kids back to my room. It was supposed to be reading time, but they were so worn out that Mona and Noora were passed out right in front of me. I totally understood.
Labels: Arabs, fuckers, image, kids, MKS, pretentious, royalty